D = | 1 for 1979-89 |
0 for 1952-78 |
where m is M2 in real per capita term; y is real per capita income; D is a dummy variable for representing the reform period since 1979; UP is the percentage of urban population (an indicator of monetarization).
where m is M2 in real per capita term; rs is retail sales in real per capita term (a proxy for income variable); p is the expected inflation rate (defined as the actual inflation rate in the previous period); UP is the percentage of urban population (an indicator of monetarization).
m(q) = a0 + a1 rs(l) + a2 exp(p)(l) + a3 UP(l) + e
Note that the exponential form of p (i.e. exp(p)) is used in the regression before applying the Box-Cox transformation to the variable in order to avoid taking a power of negative values of p. Test and justify that the Yi's equation is a special case of the Box-Cox model in which both q, l approach 0.
ln(m) = b0 + b1ln(y) + b2ln(UP) + b3D + e
an adequate (non-spurious) "long-run" model? Answer this question according to the following steps:
m-1 = (1-a0) - a1 ln(rs) - a2 p - a3 ln(UP) + e
We assume the first-order autocorrelated model errors in mean (AR(1), MA(1), ARMA(1,1)) and in variance (ARCH(1), GARCH(1,1), ARCH-M(1)), respectively.
(1). Estimate and evaluate all the six estimated error structures in details. (2). Present and interpret the most preferred model.